Physical Therapy for Neck Pain

Neck pain is one of the most common referral sources for physical therapy, affecting nearly 30% of the US population each year. The source of neck pain can vary, but it’s most commonly caused by sudden trauma (fall or injury), poor posture or being slumped over your desk at work, obesity, repetitive movement, or intense physical activity. 

Treating Neck Pain

At Bull Dawg, our physical therapists will perform an extensive evaluation to determine the root cause of your neck pain. This includes discussions on lifestyle practices that may be contributing factors to the problem, such as posture, spinal alignment, pelvic inequities, strength deficiencies, and muscle imbalances. Your customized treatment plan will depend on your specific case, but physical therapy for your neck pain may include:  

  • Manual Therapy

  • Neuromuscular Activities

  • Therapeutic Exercise 

  • Functional Dry Needling 

  • Ergonomic Techniques