Physical Therapy for Knee Pain

Knee pain can be debilitating, and over time, it may hinder daily activities such as climbing stairs or bending your knees to pick up something off the floor. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, it is also a common condition, which reports that approximately 25% of Americans, including children, have experienced knee pain at some point in their lives.

Knee pain may come from arthritis, degenerative joint disease, meniscal dysfunction, patellar cap dysfunction, weakness/ muscle imbalance, or other causes. In runners, the knee is the part of the body that is injured most often. The good news is that physical therapy can help to treat knee pain and problems ranging from ligament reconstruction and total knee replacements to non-surgical problems such as arthritis, patellofemoral pain, and low-grade ligamental injuries. 

Treating Knee Pain

Physical therapy is an effective way to decrease knee pain, swelling, and stiffness while increasing strength, endurance, and range of motion. At Bull Dawg, our physical therapists will work with you to develop a customized plan of care to get you back to your prior level of function and activities as safely and quickly as possible. Treatment strategies for knee pain may include:

  • Re-training your walk pattern

  • Therapeutic Exercises

  • Manual Therapy 

  • Neuromuscular Activities

  • Modalities (i.e. hot or cold packs and cold laser)