What are the Benefits of Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is more than a series of exercises; it is a safe, non-invasive medical approach to relieving pain and restoring physical function or mobility lost by various conditions. A personalized physical therapy treatment plan can help individuals of all ages, from chronic pain management and injury prevention to post-surgery recovery and overall wellness. 

Let’s explore the top six benefits of physical therapy:

1. Eliminate or Reduce Pain

One of the most significant benefits of physical therapy is pain management. Whether you’re experiencing pain from an injury, a health condition like arthritis, or recovering from surgery, physical therapy can help reduce or eliminate pain without using or with less dependence on prescription drugs. 

Physical therapists may use therapeutic exercises and manual therapy techniques such as joint and soft tissue mobilization or treatments like Kinesio taping or electrical stimulation to help relieve or eliminate pain and restore muscle and joint function.

2. Alternative to  Surgery 

In some cases, physical therapy can be an alternative to surgery, which can help patients avoid the costs and risks associated with surgical operations. Research shows that for some conditions, including meniscal tears and knee osteoarthritis, rotator cuff tears, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disk disease, physical therapy treatment is as effective as surgery.

And in the instances where surgery is needed, pre-surgery physical therapy can also help to ensure a speedy recovery. 

3. Aid in Injury Recovery or Prevention

Athletes at every level know that certain activities and sports can increase the risk for specific types of injuries like stress fractures, sprains, and ligament tears. Physical therapists can provide a personalized treatment plan or prevention exercise program to ensure a safe return to your sport and reduce your risk of injury or re-injury. 

4. Improve Athletic Performance

In addition to treating sports-related injuries, physical therapy can also help athletes improve their performance in their chosen sports. Our physical therapists will assess you to determine which muscles to focus on and then work hand-in-hand with our personal trainers to design the right exercises to improve your strength, speed, flexibility, and other sport-specific movements.  

5. Improves Balance and Prevents Falls

Physical therapy patients are often screened for fall risk, and if they’re at high risk, their physical therapist will provide exercises that safely challenge their balance and work through ways to improve it and help prevent falling. If the balance issue is caused by a vestibular problem, your physical therapist will perform specific maneuvers that can restore proper vestibular functioning and reduce or eliminate the symptoms of dizziness or vertigo.

6. Women's Health Management

Oftentimes, people do not think of pregnancy and postpartum health when it comes to physical therapy, but it does help with preparation for and recovery from the birthing process. Physical therapy can also help with specific women’s health concerns such as bowel and urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, breast cancer, constipation, and fibromyalgia.

Bull Dawg Athletic Training and Physical Therapy offers comprehensive, individualized physical therapy services in Arlington, VA. Whether through hands-on techniques, exercises, equipment, or education, our physical therapists are committed to providing high-quality treatment specific to your unique needs and goals and setting you up for long-term success.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a physical therapist or to learn more about how you can benefit from physical therapy. 


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